Can I create a conditional question that includes data from the previous question? | XM Community
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I'm aiming to create a survey about museum visitation where I’d like the first question to read the following:

Q1: describe your visit today 3 words

Ideally, I would like the next three questions to pick up each individual word and ask for more detail. For example:

Q1: describe your visit today 3 words

A: Exciting, frustrating, scary


Q2: You described your visit as exciting. What did you find exciting?

Q3: You described your visit as frustrating. What did you find frustrating?

Q4: You described your visit as scary. What did you find scary?

Is this possible?
Yes you can add display logics on next set of questions.

And if your first question is single select than you can make only one second question and pipe that word in this question.
The easiest way to do this is to program your first question to have three text boxes and instruct your user to enter only one word per box. You can do this through a form question type or a multiple response question type, where each allows text entry.

Then in questions 2 through 4, you would use piping to reference the text entry from the previous question responses.

You may want to use display logic or question validation to either hide the follow-up question if they skip a box or to force them to enter a response in each box.
Thanks, I'm interested in whether I can use display logic on a subsequent set of questions when the data requested is free text entry?
@JLOARE you can use display logic based on a previous question that is text entry. When I was talking about it above, your condition would look like:

IF you use a form: Question, 1, Field 1, Is not empty

IF you use multiple response with text entry: Question, 1, Field 1 (text entry), Is not empty

That will display the follow-up question if they gave a word and hide the question if the piped text is left empty.

If you have more than one follow up question based on those words, you can put those questions into a block and apply the display logic to the block instead of having to do it to each individual question.
But will it display the previously given answer/word as part of the follow-up question? Can I set qualtrics to pull the answer data into the subsequent question?
Oops sorry just read your comment about piping!

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