Can I cumulate the number of same answers for different questions on a report? | XM Community
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I created a survey to help with grading of ultrasound images. Each participant is required to input their email and type of exam. I have one question (multiple choice) that says "type of exam" and there are 8 exams listed. They can then load images according to which type of exam they chose. Then they get a question that says "do you have another exam?" If they chose yes they get the same worded question but its a separate question in the survey. They can upload up to 4 exams per email address. I am try to create a report that has continues to cumulate the exams per email address. Can I make a report where it will "count" every time the same response was chosen in the survey?

And then cumulate this over time if the same email address is put in again at a later date.

The option that comes to mind for me is to just ask for one response and then add an end of survey logic block that gives them a link to retake the survey as a new response. You can even pass their information into the link so they don't have to re-enter basic information on their second response.
So I can add a link and let it start at a certain question on the survey? Where they would skip the first couple of questions? I like that idea and that would actually work perfect!
To be clear what I'm proposing will make each survey response a new row in your data. So the same email will be listed multiple times but each row will be one exam. If so here's how I'd do it:

The data that you want to carry between survey response would be what you will set as embedded data. Once they fill it out on the first one and you set it as embedded data, then you will pass the embedded data into the URL of the link for them to take the next survey. You can then have logic in the survey to skip the questions based on the embedded data values being present.

You'll be passing information from a Survey:

To a link for a survey:

Here's how to skip:

Keep in mind if you skip the information isn't' actually filled out so when you go to do your report, use the embedded data so you get the data on the first and follow up surveys.

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