Can I have values in the question itself (not the answers) be randomly generated? | XM Community
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I have a question where I would present the user with characteristics (in the form of table) of two fictitious people, and ask the user to either select from option 1 or option 2. Now the tricky part is that each of the values of the characteristics of these people are randomly generates from a list, so that every time a question pops up, a different set of characteristics appear. For example, characteristic "education" for option 1 could either be: high school, college, grad school, etc, while "gender" could be male, female, etc. One randomly selected option would be presented, for each characteristic.

How can I do that? Any help would be great.
There are a few different ways to do it.

You could randomly set an embedded variable for each attribute and pipe them into the question text. You could randomly select from a list and set them using the survey flow randomizer, a web service or a JavaScript.

Another way to do it would be have a multiple choice question for each attribute where you randomly display one choice. Then hide those questions with JavaScript and pipe the displayed choice into your question text.

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