Can I quota on page randomisation and demographic information? | XM Community
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I hope you're good and have had a nice weekend! I'm currently considering the logistics of a survey I plan to build and want to know my options for quotas.

Basically, I'm looking to survey 200 respondents in total, 100 males and 100 females. Gender will be an initial screening question within the survey. I want to understand consumer opinions of two different advertising images within my survey (control and experimental image condition), with respondents only seeing one image to reduce issues around fatigue etc. This will mean that 50 males will see the control image and 50 males will see the experimental image and the same for females. There is also screening (qualifier) criteria on age and location, but this will be the same for both males and females.

I was wondering if there is a way (either without logic or if someone has an existing logic) of randomly assigning males and females to either the experimental or control image condition, but applying quotas so I get 50 for males and females for each? It is almost as if something needs to be populated in the background that assigns and records the user route through the survey that I can then use to set my quotas.

I know that I could just show one condition, and when I've met the quota for this, hide the pages and then show the other condition, but my study would benefit from randomly assigning participants to one of the two image conditions without me controlling this process.

Any help would be really appreciated!


Hi, @MBis! It looks like you were able to reach out to our Support Team and they were able to help you get this set up using Branch Logic with conditions based off of your quotas. If you need any further assistance, feel free to reach back out to the Support Representative you were working with! 😃

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