Can I remove the word "PREVIOUS" in the Survey Summary page, and only the word "NEXT/SUBMIT" appear? | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

Previously, I have added in the code below to change the word "Next" to "Submit" in the Survey Summary page.

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() { if (jQuery("div").hasClass("ResponseSummary")){ jQuery("#NextButton").attr({value:"Submit",title:"Submit"});} });

Can I remove the word "PREVIOUS" in the Survey Summary page, where it will only have the word "Submit" appeared in the Survey Summary page?

Thank you and your advice are greatly appreciated.
Is it possible for you to share the QSF or survey URL? you can create a dummy survey and share the survey URL of that...
Hello @TohS ;

Paste the following code in the "Look and feel"->"Advanced" ->"Header"(edit)-> "Source"(<>)




if (jQuery("div").hasClass("ResponseSummary")){




Hi @Tohs

By clicking on block options on right, it can be changed too.

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