Can I score and NOT show it to respondents | XM Community
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I've developed an exam to be given on Qualtrics (multiple choice) and am wondering how to score WITHOUT showing the students. I might scale the exam so the score would be misleading. It seems the only option I can find for scoring is one that either lets them know after each question or one that gives them a total score when they are done. I would just like to have Qualtrics score the exam without showing the students. I'm sure its in the output somewhere, I just can't seem to find it.


In the scoring option, if you unselect these two, is it still showing them the score?

I don't believe so, but I can't find the score either!

In the survey editor, click on the gear below the question id, then select scoring. Top right, you'll see scoring options or something. That's where you'll find this.

Thank you, you are correct that is has scoring options but it only has the two options that you show above:

"At the end of the survey"
"After each question"

There does not seem to be an option other than those two.
I want to have the survey automatically scored but not shown the students...only to me. Is there some way to tally the score after or have it scored at the end, have it recorded, but not show the students?

If you uncheck both those options, I don't think the score is shown to the respondents. But it should still be available in the data/analysis field. I would recommend generating a few test responses to see if it exists. That's actually how I got to know about scoring. It kept showing up in the responses that I downloaded, even though I never saw it during the survey.
If not, you could always create a new field in the data and analysis section, which gives you much more flexibility and takes much less time, than scoring.

Thank you for your help. I have found the is automatically tallied and when I download as .pdf, it gives it at the very bottom. IN SPSS export it also creates a variable called score that has the number in it.

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