Can I stop an email trigger from executing if the response has been submitted? | XM Community
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Can I stop an email trigger from executing if the response has been submitted? There is a 3 day delay
Hey @Lauren_BU - can you clarify?

You are referring to the email trigger that typically send you a response email when a survey is submitted, correct? And do you _want_ a three day delay? or are you _experiencing_ a 3 day delay?

Yes, I have organized an email trigger with response summary to be sent to 'Jane Doe' after a survey has been submitted. With the response summary, Jane Doe will receive my contact information built into the email trigger. I have it set to send the email 3 days after the survey response was submitted.

Let's say I need to modify my contact information before Jane Doe receives the email triggered response summary, or stop Jane Doe's email trigger completely, is there a way to do this?
I see! Thank you. To the best of my knowledge- not in Qualtrics, no. This sounds like a job for a 3rd party application of some sort! Perhaps re-routing the information through your CRM.
@Kate Thanks! That is unfortunately what I figured.

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