Can text entry be used with a question (multiple choice) or only the responses? | XM Community
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I have a multiple choice question in my survey that requires the participant to provide an example (I would seek help from another not listed above (please list in the space provided (e.g., work colleague. If no, leave blank) before choosing one of seven responses (responses are horizontal format). Is it possible to add text entry to the question?
yes you can add click on answer option nd allow tex entry

Thank you for the response, but I want to add text to the question not the choices.
@mkpizzazz Could you provide the exact question you want to ask, perhaps typed up in Word as you would like it to appear? My instinct is to split this into two questions, so that the text entry can be collected separately before the multiple choice. So, for example...

Q1. Here is the question. Please provide the text response.



o Option 1 o Option 2 o Option 3 o Option 4...etc.

If you want it to appear like one question, you could just enter an "x" for the question text in Q2 and format the text to be white.
Thank you for the response that helps.

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