Can text forms be pre-populated with embedded data? | XM Community
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We have a survey that has a contact form (e.g. first name, email). We will have this information in embedded data for most (but not all) respondents. For those respondents where we already have the data, we'd like to present it to them and give them a chance to correct it.
Is there a way to pre-populate a form's fields with embedded data?
Our "fallback" solution is to present a display text question with an HTML table showing the known information, and then have the form where they can correct the information as necessary below -- but that's less than ideal.

Hi KevinTroy,
Yes, there is! Click the gear box for the questions you want to prepopulate, then select "Add Default Choices" and follow it from there to insert your Embedded Data Fields in the appropriate text fields.

Great, thank you, Matthew!

Is there a way to do this for a multiple choice question as well?

I've never seen a way to pre-select MC questions, at least out of the box. (Maybe someone well-versed in Javascript could say whether there's a way to do it with that.)

Hi, I'd like to achieve the same thing but with the changes to Qualtrics interface the cog button has been removed. Is there another way we can do this with the current format? Is there a way to do this with the form field, rather than a text entry response?

MatthewM Amy_boz Where is the cog/embedded data field located now? Thanks!

In the current interface, when you click a question, the "Edit Questions" options will appear in a pane to the left. Scroll down to the end of that pane and you should find the Default Choices option.

What happens if someone’s embedded data is missing from a field, that we pre-populated? Will their information be shown up as blank? Will it say ‘missing’? We want to give contacts a chance to correct their current information - first by showing them what we have on file. And if it’s blank, we want to collect it. But we need the system to force a response from them to fill it out, if it’s blank. Not sure what a panelist taking a survey would see in the blank field though - to clue them in that’s it’s empty and needs to be filled out.

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