Can you have a question randomly flip the response option ordering? | XM Community
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I have a scale for how often something has occurred:

A- This has not yet occurred

B- Once per academic year

C- Once per semester

D- Twice per semester

E- More than twice per semester

I want to have respondents to be randomly assigned to see A through E or E through A to fight any response order bias. I can only figure out, though, how to randomize all options. It would make no sense to have it show up as A C B E D, for example. I need it to stay intact to present as ABCDE or EDCBA.

Thanks for any suggestions.
Hello @villanova732 ,

Using qualtrics randomization, we cannot achieve this. You can try using the custom JS.
@villanova732 - See this
Hi, @villanova732! Just wanted to jump in here and say that if you are looking for a solution that does not involve custom code, you could could create two versions of the question (one with each ordering) and then randomly present one version to each participant. If you have any questions on how to set this up, be sure to reach out to our Support Team! 😃

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