Can you issue the same survey to two different mailing lists | XM Community
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I'm hoping someone can help me with a query on survey distributions.

I have two email lists that I thought I'd send the same survey to last week.

The first list I distributed the survey to worked fine, but on the second list every email bounced.

The lists have different fields in terms of sample demographics but they do both have email address. Would that make a difference?

Is it possible to send the same survey to two different mailing lists?

If it isn't possible, then the only way around this that I can think of is to duplicate the survey and send each list its own survey link. Is that right, or is there another way?


you can use other list also , if the emails are same as of first list just add some comment which will pipe different information in email text (not visible). it will than not mark it as duplicate email. like add ED or ExternalDataReference
Hi @Lisa_Roberts

Are you sure you are getting the distribution report for the second list as "Email bounce"?

if yes, then its an issue with the email id,

if you are getting it as "Email skipped" then please check your contact frequency setting (if you have iQ Directory)

Check this page:

If you are getting it as "Email duplicate" then please follow the steps which @bansalpeeyush29 indicated... i.e. piped text any embedded data value in the email body and have another subject line for 2nd survey distribution

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