carry forward given answers | XM Community
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Hi & happy xmas eve:)

I have an issue with text entry form items. Let's assume I first ask respondents to list the best cities in Europe with a text entry field for each city they can think of. The next item asks for the best cities in the whole world. I dont want respondents having to list the same answers again because chances are that there is an overlap. Ideally I would like the answers from the first item (best cities in Europe) as suggestions in the second item (best cities in the world) and then respondents being able to delete some of these suggestions if they want and being able to add additional ones. The carry forward option just lists the previous answers as "descriprtions" with new text fields next to them. Is there any way of carrying forward answers and suggesting them for another item with the option to modify them?

Thanks in advance
You can "Add Default Choices" to your second question, and pipe in the answers from the first question.
@TomG brilliant thank you so much!

I have a related follow-up question: In the second item, it shows all text entry fields from the first item just like it wanted it to. However, it also shows the answer choices (form fields) that were left empty in the first item (respondents are not required to fill all lines; only as many as they can think of or wanted to list.) I added display logic for answer choices ("Display this Choice only if the following condition is met": Form field was "Not Empty" in first item). However, this was quite cumbersome as there are many lines. Is there a simpler way?

Again, thank you so much!
I'm not exactly sure what you want the second question to look like. You can try setting up the second question to carryover over "Entered Choices - Entered Text" from the first question.
Thanks for your answer. Sorry if I was unclear about how I want it the second question to look. I want another Text entry - Form item (as a way of enabling respondents to list all answers they can think of). It is supposed to be the same question type for the first (e.g. "Best cities in the Europe") and second item (e.g., "Best cities in the World") with the responses from the text entry fields of the first item as default choices in the text entry boxes (not the form fields!) of the second question.

But of course only for the text entry fields where the respondent actually wrote something in the first question and not the empty ones.

When I carry forward the responses from the first question through "Entered Choices - Entered Text" they appear in the form field but I want them in the Text Entry Fields as modifiable default choices.

The "Form Fields" ideally would be empty, right now there is the numerical order in it. Perhaps the Text Entry - Form item is not ideal for this kind of question but I didnt see an alternative?!
> @automaticadd said:

> Thanks for your answer. Sorry if I was unclear about how I want it the second question to look. I want another Text entry - Form item (as a way of enabling respondents to list all answers they can think of). It is supposed to be the same question type for the first (e.g. "Best cities in the Europe") and second item (e.g., "Best cities in the World") with the responses from the text entry fields of the first item as default choices in the text entry boxes (not the form fields!) of the second question.


> But of course only for the text entry fields where the respondent actually wrote something in the first question and not the empty ones.


> When I carry forward the responses from the first question through "Entered Choices - Entered Text" they appear in the form field but I want them in the Text Entry Fields as modifiable default choices.


> The "Form Fields" ideally would be empty, right now there is the numerical order in it. Perhaps the Text Entry - Form item is not ideal for this kind of question but I didnt see an alternative?!



An alternative that would allow you to use carryover would be to use a multi-select mulitiple choice with text entry on each choice for the first question. Unfortunately, I don’t think setting that up would save you any time vs the approach you are currently using.
Thank you!

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