Carrying forward in Matrix Table? | XM Community
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Carrying forward in Matrix Table?

I have a matrix table question where it asks how often x situation has happened to them in the past year (0 = None through 6 = 10+ times). There are 51 situations (statements) in the table.

The following question is another matrix table asking how bothered each subject was by those situations.

How do I only carry forward the statements that the subject encountered?


1. How often did you see a movie with your mom? NONE

2. How often did watch TV with your mom? 10+ times

And then only carry forward #2.
Carry forward "Unselected Statements for Scale Point: None"
@TomG I tried that but it didn't work> @TomG said:

> Carry forward "Unselected Statements for Scale Point: None"

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