Change appearance of answer buttons and next/previous buttons | XM Community
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Hello, people

As being new to Qualtrics, I have many areas where my expertise is not sufficient and would like to seek for advice for the following:

-I need to set 2 sets of colors on both next/previous and answer buttons - one as shown on the screen when question is loaded and one for the selected option.

Below is one simple example on which elements I am refering to:

Will !

Is this even doable?

Best regards,

Angel Stoyanov
Yes and you need to set your CSS either within your theme or at the survey level.

.Skin #Buttons #NextButton & .Skin #Buttons #PreviousButton
Thanks :)

And how would I define the answer (choice) area?

Inspect it with developer tools in Chrome or Firefox that is how I figured it out.

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