Change to Flat layout style breaks auto-save of responses on mobile? | XM Community
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Hello, originally we were using the "Classic" layout on our survey but we recently updated to use the "Flat" style with "Mountain Valleys" theme. I'm not sure any of that matters, but after the change it seems the "auto-saving" feature of the survey is broken when taking the survey from a mobile device. Specifically, an Android (although I have yet to test on an iPhone). Taking the survey from a laptop still seems to work as usual in terms of auto-save.

This is a survey comprised of slider elements for responses.

Has anyone noticed this behavior on mobile? Prior to this change, it worked fine on my Android, and I could come back and resume right where I left off with my answers saved...

Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!
I just noticed that the auto-save answers from my laptop are persisting across to mobile. i.e. when i re-visit my email invitation link on my mobile, I can see the auto-saved responses from my laptop session. it just appears that any responses i make on mobile are not auto-saved in any way.
verified with colleagues it works fine on iPhone. Anyone have insight on Android?
Hi @cprice! We're sorry your experiencing this, it doesn't sound like intended functionality! If you have not yet already, I'd recommend reaching out to our Support team so they can take a look at your specific use case and escalate as needed!
to follow on with an update to this issue...I contacted support, but the problem still persists. after further troubleshooting, we've determined that the auto-save does work with the Android/Chrome combo, ONLY if you hit the submit button, leave, then come back. i.e. if we have 20 sliders on one page, if the user fills in 5, leaves and comes back later (without a submit), the 5 answers do not persist. This functionality works fine on iPhone/Apple/other devices. However, if the same scenario happens and the user hits submit before leaving (the survey will correctly complain because 15 items still need an answer), something does happen on that action that retains the in-progress responses, because if you leave then and come back the 5 will persist.

Still confused, but need to get this resolved. Anyone have similar experiences, or insight?

Thanks in advance.
@cprice - I have no idea if this will help, but try setting Page Transition to None.
@TomG - thanks for the suggestion! will give this a shot (if I can find where to set it). in further testing last night on my android phone, i did notice the mobile option called "Full Desktop Site" that can be switched on. when i did that, the auto-save worked as expected. i guess it's just isolated to when the "mobile" version is opened by default using the email click-through. strange, since this works fine on apple phones.

i'll see what impact the "Page Transition" change has. out of curiosity, what is this setting supposed to be for in the first place?
ahh. just checked, and it's already set to "None".
> @cprice said:

> i'll see what impact the "Page Transition" change has. out of curiosity, what is this setting supposed to be for in the first place?

It adds transition effects between pages (slide, fade out, etc.). Since those effects are done with JavaScript, they can sometimes throw off the timing of other JavaScript operations. Those transition effects can be associated with a theme. So when you said the problem started when you changed themes, I thought it might be worth checking.

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