collective answers | XM Community
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Hi all,

Does some knows a way how participants may collectively answer a survey. Say four participants belong to a group. The crux is, all participants do the survey individually. If member A already answered a question this question shall not appear for members B,C, and D (or be pre-checked with the response of A).

Hope this is clear enough.


Using retake link appended with branch logic you can achieve this. Say you have 4 questions in survey and 4 respondent together will make one response. So for each question add display logic like respondent 1=1 and append it with original link for one respondent say A for other 3 person use retake link appended with there question logic.

Or if you want different data storage for each respondent use randomizer to display one question at a time.
Hi @kbecker_01

* You can do this with the help of end of survey element , contact list trigger , contact list, authenciator and retake survey link .

* First of all the recipients should be saved in contact with an embedded data variable or external data reference to group number (So all the group can be linked.)

* There should be an authenciator at the start of survey which ask for (Email / External Data reference) and Group no

* you can save the group in contact list with some common element like a group number common for all group members.

* When the first group member finishes his part in survey a contact list trigger / or a web service API can trigger to save the response ID of the respondent in the contact list . That is in every other group members and even itself's should be updated with the reponse id of the current response

* Now if you look closely retake survey link is nothing but anonymous survey link with Embedded Data Variable Q_R having the value of response ID & Q_R-DEL=1

* For eg:

* You can use authenciator at start to get response ID and use End of Survey Element to redirect to the retake link and the responses entered by previous team mate will be visible to the respondent.

* For the first one Q_R= will be empty hence he will be redirected to the anonyumous link and add a branch logic to Authenciator if Q_R_DEL is not equal to one hence the redirected respondents wont have to revisit the authenciator.

Hope this Helps 🙂

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