Combining data in a matrix table with likert scale | XM Community
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We have a large survey which we would like to combine the strongly agree and agree responses as one data set and combine the strongly disagree and disagree as another data set on a visualization. I cannot seem to do this, and given Qualtrics seems to be able to do anything, I figured I would ask! Thank you all!


Currently we are showing:

Question A

Statement 1 has 100 strongly agree and 12 agree vs. 76 strongly disagree and 23 disagree

We would like to show:

Question A

Statement 1 112 strongly agree/agree and 99 strongly disagree/disagree
Are you using the standard report functions on the core Survey Platform?

If yes- then there is no way to do this. You have to export. You can run the analysis by hand in excel or SPSS to create visualizations, or set up an integration with a dashboard to help you.

Although, there may be a way to do this with CX Dasbhoard, an add-on product from Qualtrics. I don't have that, but perhaps someone else can chime in if you are using that.

You can do this in Reports or in the CX Dashboards using a Top/Bottom Box.

In reports you will add a visualization and select statistics table. This automatically selects Min, Max, Mean, SD, Variance, and Total. Unselect all of these except Total and then check the options for Bottom Box and Top Box. You can then set the number of answer choices in each of the boxes (in your case two). Keep in mind the highest coded answer choices will be in your top box and the lowest coded answer choices will be in your bottom box. Here is a screenshot with an example:


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