Combining Randomly Selected Screens and Gold Standards into One Survey | XM Community
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Hi Qualtrics community,

I am looking to compare several gold standard surveys (say A, B, and C) against several screening surveys (say 1, 2, 3, and 4). To do so I hope to have each participant complete one randomly selected gold standard and two randomly selected screening tools. For example, Participant #1 would complete B-1-3. The next participant would A-1-4. And, so on. Is there a way for Qualtrics to randomly select one gold standard and two screening surveys, combine them, and present them to the participant?

I am trying to avoid having to repeatedly create one survey that includes one gold standard and two screens (e.g. A-1-2, A-1-3, ..., C-3-4). As you can imagine, there would be quite a lot of combinations.

Thanks for your time,

Make different blocks and in survey flow use randomizer.

In first randomizer place blocks 1,2,3,4 and randomly select 2 evenly.

In second randomizer place blocks a,b and c and randomly choose 1.
Bansal, thank you for your assistance! I really appreciate you taking the time to help me.

I'll let you know how it goes,


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