Combining Statement on a Matrix Item | XM Community
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I am trying to use a Matrix item to create a construct.

For example, I will have 3 statements about "Program Objectives". I then want to combine all 3 statements to create one combined score for "Program Objectives".

In the reporting, I can only see the responses for each statement.

How can I combine the responses for the matrix item?
Can you show us a screenshot of what you're wanting to combine?
You should have to create embedded variable and punch answers in this variable based on 3 statements and than using this embedded variable in report. Or if you are using vocalize you can create field group.

Trying to create one score for this

> @Rock said:

> You should have to create embedded variable and punch answers in this variable based on 3 statements and than using this embedded variable in report. Or if you are using vocalize you can create field group.

Thanks! How do I create this embedded variable, and what do you mean by "punch in the answers"?

> @OE123 said:

> !


> Trying to create one score for this

> @JenCX

Are you assigning a number value to each answer and wanting to combine them to get a single score for the question?

If so, you can use embedded data and math operations

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