conflicts of survey flow and display logic | XM Community
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I have a block contains a question with 20 options (titles). The participants are asked to select as many options as they like. Once they select an option, the content of that title (option) will expand in a new page for them. They are asked to select one option at a time. I added the content of each option in a separate block. Each block has one if-then statement as logic display to expand the statement only when its title (related option) is selected. I just realized that the sequence of my blocks in the survey flow actually impede what-if conditions to run appropriately. What I mean is that if an option (let's say option D) is selected that its related explanation is below the explanation of option A, and then option A is selected, the display logic will not work because in the survey flow I have block for explanation A and the the block for explanation D. How can I solve this issue?
Hi @saman, I am not sure I fully understand the issue, but it sounds like you could resolve it my reducing the number of blocks you have. Why not just have the TITLE block and one EXPLANATION block with logic based on the TITLE selections. You can still use page breaks if you want them to appear on separate pages. That should resolve the issues you are experiencing.
If I'm understanding this correctly, the "definition" that opens on a new page is just a more extensive description and the respondent doesn't need to select anything, correct? If so, another way of doing this might be to use the Rich content editor and put some html in the source with the longer definition. That way when they hover over the title, the longer explanation will appear in a small box.
@uhrxx005 and @Libertywick Thank you so much for getting back to me. I'm so new with Qualtrics. I think both of your options works however, I'm tracking the eyes with an eye-tracker. Therefore, using html is not practical for the eye-tracker machine.

Thanks to both of you!

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