Constant Sum question with 3 columns, but want total to be by column not row | XM Community
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Hi. I'm trying to set up a question using constant sum with total. My issue is that I have 3 columns, not one. Each row can only have 1 item with a number input, and I want the total to be by column, not row.

I can't figure out how to only allow 1 column to be filled out per row, and how to get it to total by column. I've attached a screenshot of how it's set up right now. Thanks in advance!.!
To total by column set Total Box to Scale Point:


To only allow one entry per row without JavaScript, you'll have to create a very complex custom validation rule.

If you go the JavaScript route, I would change it to just a likert matrix with radio buttons, then have JavaScript add the columns accordingly and present the total. That way respondents won't have to type point values.
Thanks, Tom! That worked. I didn't even think about checking that button. Now for my second question. So I just learned that the client we're setting up this question for wants the overall total to be 32, not 32 for each column. Is that possible using javascript? We'd want anything checked within column one to be assigned a "1", and anything checked within column 2 to be assigned a "2", and anything checked within column 3 to be assigned a "3".
Yes, it's possible. I was assuming you needed the overall total, so what I wrote still applies.

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