Controlling the number of rows in a side-by-side | XM Community
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Hi, I have a survey that is gathering inventory data. Users are asked how many items they have, then they fill out info about each of the items in a side-by-side table. Currently the table is set to show 20 rows, but we would prefer it only show the number of rows needed by the user. So is it possible to have the answer to question 1 (how many do you have) determine how many rows will display in the side-by-side? Or as an alternative, could there be a button that allows the user to add more rows to the side-by-side as needed? We don't want them to have to keep starting over - we think they will give up and lose track if the info is not all displaying in one clean table.

Thank you
You have to add all 20 rows and apply display logic on each row like for first row display logic will be if ( say q1 in which you asking number) greater than equal to 1.

For second row: >=2

3rd row: >=3




20th row: >=20
I don't see any way to assign display logic for the individual rows within the side by side table. Am I missing something?
> @jjf said:

> I don't see any way to assign display logic for the individual rows within the side by side table. Am I missing something?


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