Create test responses in EE | XM Community
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like in RC / CX, can I create test responses in EE?
Unfortunately, we can’t generate test response in EE. This feature is not available in EE.

You can ask for a feature request.
yes make feature request.

A workaround could be: make the project in RC, create tets responses. Export both project and responses from RC and import them in EE. Would this work?
I am not sure if RC of CX is compatible with RC of EE. Need to check if both compatible or not. If not then there is a chance of data discrepancy.

So, what you can do is... make the project in RC, create test responses and check the result...if you want to modify anything then modify it in EE but do not import the CX project into EE project (if both are not compatible).
great - thanks

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