Creating a print survey from a Qualtrics survey | XM Community
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We survey our members on a semi-annual basis to understand how we are performing and where are our gaps in what they need from us. However, we only have 40% of their email addresses. We do have 100% of their mailing addresses. I have been playing around with the idea of creating a paper survey, that mirrors our online survey to reach out to those missing members. Does anyone have experience with this that could provide some tips?
You can print your survey in pdf format:

You can also export the survey (questions) in word format:
@Mohammedali_Rajapakar_Ugam - Thanks for your response; however, this doesn't exactly get at what I was wanting. The PDF print and the Word formats will still require a great deal of lifting to make it look like a survey that you would get in the post. I was curious if anyone had experience with doing that and what they did to make that happen.
Since you have only mailing address for 60 percent of your sample. So paper survey will be best but since if you are are sending paper survey.. collect the email address also to make good online sample.
One more thing you can do instead of sending the paper survey send them the scan bar code so that upon scanning code in there phone they will take survey and your data will be collected only in platform.
One more thing you can do instead of sending the paper survey send them the scan bar code so that upon scanning code in there phone they will take survey and your data will be collected only in platform.
@bansalpeeyush29 I like the idea of sending a bar code for them to scan. That would alleviate the need to create a paper survey that looks nice.
Yeah also data analysis will get easy as your data will be stored within Qualtrics database like for other 40% sample.

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