Creating a report type form | XM Community
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Can anyone assist with making something like this so a supervisor can input the blank fields
Hi @rachel_stoddart! Unfortunately, there is currently not a fill in the blank style question type available in our platform. You could, however, use a text entry form question type. We do think this is a great feature request and recommend that you post this in our Product Ideas category, as it is a feature not already developed by our team. Be sure to review the How to Write a Good Product Idea template and our Ideation Guidelines before you post your idea!
Thanks @LaurenK

I have submitted the request. Much appreciated
Just worked through a similar request, and looked out here in the community and saw your post. Agree, this is a great enhancement request. Here is what I came up with as a workaround. Not as slick as having two fill ins in a single question, but hopefully it can help you out.

Survey (as close to a form feel as I could come up with):

Block 1:

* Create text question for Attendee

* Create text question for Week

Block 2:

* Create descriptive text question for certify statement using piped text to fill in the blanks. “I certify that ${q://QID1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} has attended their ${q://QID2/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} week placement…”

* Create text entry essay type text question for Comments

* Create text entry form type questions for signed, name, position, etc.

Reporting (documentation for supervisor):

This will give you the data you need to report in the platform. I liked the email trigger in my case for the reporting mechanism. Set up a question for the attendees email address in the first block and added email to the signers form in the second block. This allowed me to pipe in the to address of both parties to be sent the document (as well as a static address for HR).

From there set up the form using the email body and piped in the responses to make it match the form rather than attaching the customer summary to give it the look and feel I wanted.

Documentation on email triggers found here.

Also, if you’re ever in a situation where you only have one fill-in, there is a really good post by @Clint that shows how you can add text before and after a text field that would give you the feel of this kind of form on a single page. (only works for a single fill-in though).

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