Creating a Specific Question Type, is it possible? | XM Community
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Hi 😀

I would like to create a question type that looks like the picture below - where I have spaces on the left for responses, and a body of text on the right. My aim is to set up a task where survey respondents would copy and paste incorrect/non-sense words from the text body to the response spaces. I am looking to run a motivation/performance experiment within my survey. Is this possible? Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make this work?

I see that I can create it with the body of text on the top and text-box responses beneath, but my preference is to have the response spaces on the left as in the picture, for ease of completing the task. Scrolling up and down to identify incorrect words, copy, then paste makes the task unwieldy and increases the chances of participant attrition.



I believe you could write a JavaScript to modify a text entry form question into a question that would look similar to the image above. It would be quite complex, so would it would require strong knowledge of JavaScript.
As an alternative, you could use the "Highlight" question type with only 1 "nonsense" category to allow them to select the words they think are nonsense.

However this would limit you to including 200 words per question.
Thank you TomG and AnthonyR for considering my question. Strong knowledge of JavaScript made my eyes water, ha, and 200 words unfortunately isn't enough. However, not to worry, I'll go with a work around and hyperlink to a document that will open in another window. Its not a perfect solution for all survey viewing devices out there, but I'll make a note of it in the instructions, conduct a pre- and post test to get a baseline, and for this little doc student, it will have to be enough. Thanks again guys 🙂


> @Belinda_Rae said:

> Thank you TomG and AnthonyR for considering my question. Strong knowledge of JavaScript made my eyes water, ha, and 200 words unfortunately isn't enough. However, not to worry, I'll go with a work around and hyperlink to a document that will open in another window. Its not a perfect solution for all survey viewing devices out there, but I'll make a note of it in the instructions, conduct a pre- and post test to get a baseline, and for this little doc student, it will have to be enough. Thanks again guys 🙂

> Cheers,

> Belinda

It IS worth noting that you could use multiple Highlighter questions (perhaps 1 per paragraph?) and just hide the question text after the first question using some css.

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