Customizing a Piped Response | XM Community
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I want to pipe a response from a question (like the one below) into a follow-up question, but am hitting a snag with formatting.

> Thinking about the next six months, how likely are you to attend one of our events?

> Very likely

> Somewhat likely

> Neither likely or unlikely

> Somewhat unlikely

> Very unlikely

Because each response option is capitalized, the piped text (bolded below) appears in the follow-up question like this:

> You indicated that you would be Very likely to attend one of our events in the next six months. Why is that?


Aside from making all the response options in the first question lowercase to begin with, is there a way to reformat the piped text to appear lowercase instead? The ideal result would be:

> You indicated that you would be very likely to attend one of our events in the next six months. Why is that?
You could put the pipe in a `<span>` then use to JavaScript to convert it to lower case.

An easier solution is to just put the pipe in quotes (it will still be capitalized, but respondents will understand why).
Appreciate the advice. Thanks, @TomG!
Hi Tom, sfalchuk,

I am facing the same issue. Can the full javasrcipt and <span> code be shared to illustrate this. Thanks.

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