Daily questionnaire | XM Community
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I have 2 questions:

I want to make sure my participants fill in a survey twice a day, whereby the first part is different from the second part and they are doing this for one week.

So: 1 survey, split up in part A and part B for 5 days.

Do you know how I can arrange this in qualtrics?

Also: I want to ask some control questions on the first day, before they start with part A of the survey for the first time. Can I make sure that a part of the survey (so my control questions) are only asked on the first day?

Thank you so much for you help!!
This seems like something you could use email triggers for. Have a participant do the screener part and upon completion, they get the A/B surveys (which I would think would need to be separate surveys). You can set up the triggers so when they finish A they get sent B. Here is where to learn about email triggers sif you aren't familiar with them. https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/survey-module/survey-tools/email-triggers/
Hi Libertywick!

Thank you so much for your reply and your help

I checked out your link but I seem to be missing the information I need: where can I find the botton that couples my first survey (so either the screener or part A) to the follow up survey (so part A or when they finish part A: part 😎?

And you you know how I can make sure they are invited to fill in survey A each day (so on the first day they will do this automatically after the screener survey, but how can I do this on day 2,3, 4 and 5?)

Thank you so much!!!!
for the Email triggers, you can add a condition that says if they finish/submit the screener/partA survey then send the follow up email which would contain the link for the next part. You can't guarantee that a person will finish but it won't send the next part until they do. Since I am assuming this is going to a contact list, I believe triggers allow you to add a send by date or time for the following days 🤔

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