Data preparation: How to categorize user Text answers | XM Community
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One of the questions in our survey gave the user multiple choice answers, aswell as an extra text based answer possiblility.

Now for the data evaluation I would like to add some of the user text answers to the existing multiple choice answers (ex. What is your highest educaiton. Multiple choice option:"Master". Answer given by user:"2 Masters") or create new one (Answer given by user:"PHD". I would like to add this as a category).

Is this possible in qualtics?

i have always taken this as 2 different things. I use a widget for the multiple choice options and then a different widget for the other options categorized and in a word clod. I think there is no way to combine both. You can always create a embedded data field from the answer and record the selected option, and if the option is other create some rules to categorize the possible answers, but i think this can get really messy and many answers can scape the categorization

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