Delete Multiple Blocks at once | XM Community
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I am recycling a survey which had around 200 Blocks, however, now I need to use only 2 of them and copy the lay out several times. Is there a quick way to delete multiple blocks in one go? Deleting blocks one by one is going to take a lot of time.

Unfortunately, there isn't a way to delete multiple blocks.
A more efficient way may to to save the two blocks to your library. Then create a new survey and add the blocks to it.

Ahhh too bad that there is not an option like that. IT would be very handy.
Thanks for the suggestion!

That's definitely easier when its 2 out of 200! I wonder if there are any other efficient ways when you need to keep lots while also deleting lots??

+1 for this - super annoying to have to do this one at a time for 30 blocks, especially when they're at the end of the survey, and the window scrolls back up to the top after deleting each one ............ saw your Product Idea on scrolling and voted for it. You should update it to the new format so it gets reviewed. Maybe you could update it include multi-block delete?

TomG thanks for the push - just submitted the idea here: I think it goes into pending status first!

TomG thanks for the push - just submitted the idea here: I think it goes into pending status first!

Hi, Has this feature been introduced? If not, do you have any update?
I tried to go to the link but it denied access to me.

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