Determining loop row number via JavaScript for computed texts | XM Community
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Hi Qualtrics community - I have a complicated text fill situation which I THINK would be easier to deal with if I could add a JavaScript OnReady computation for the current row of a loop, but I don't know how to determine what row I'm on via JavaScript. Below is the scenario:


"At what age did you start smoking regularly?"

___ age


"At what age did you stop smoking?"

___ age

[Begin Loop]

Row 1: represents X to 17

Row 2: 18 to 24

Row 3: 25 to 29

Row 4: 30 to 34

etc. up to 70+ category


"About how many of the years from age [x] to age [y] did you smoke cigarettes?"

On loop 1, X = lower bound of the loop OR Q1 if appropriate

Y = upper bound of loop OR Q2 if appropriate

Example: if on ROW 2 and Q1 = 15 and Q2 = 23 then the text would read:

"About how many of the years from age 18 to 23 did you smoke cigarettes?"

I feel like if I could determine what row of the loop I'm currently on during the OnReady then I could update the text displayed on the screen dynamically.
You can use:



I think this might work - going to test it out and will get back to the thread!
> @Pete_L said:

> I think this might work - going to test it out and will get back to the thread!

I had a typo that I corrected above. There is no 't' in parse.
Works as expected! Thanks TomG! I actually ended up using this to solve other loop related issues.

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