Diary Study | XM Community
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Dear Community members,

As I am new in Qualtrics, I would like to ask two questions.

1. How one could set up a diary study - such study presupposes that participants will have to fill out a pre-diary questionnaire, and then, after some time lapse, they have to repeatedly answer a short questionnaire every day (or every second day). Although I found arelevant discussion in the forum, I could not figure out how this can be dealt with some simple steps (the discussion deals more advanced issues; in addition, the embedded pictures were quite small to figure out what was typed there).

2. How in such design we can hide participants' id? I mean, is it possible to let participants select a username on their own so as to keep their id hidden?

I thank you for your consideration.
Hi @thanmour ,

There is a number of ways to go about doing that and it will depend on the specifics of your project. So below I will lay out the generic way to do it and then you can decide how to tweak it based on your specific requirements.

Let's say you have a pre-diary questionnaire, 10 days of daily surveys and one post-diary questionnaire.

Easiest would be to create 12 different surveys (one for each stage) and use Actions to send out daily emails (or delays of your choosing).

I am not 100% sure what you mean regarding keeping PPs id hidden and using usernames. But Qualtrics does allow identification of the respondant easily without having them enter their information every single time...

If you send your participants personalized links (either via Email send, manually creating a Personalized link or embed the information in query strings) then you can pick that information up in all of the following surveys via the Actions and embedded data so that they don't have to re-enter it.

Relevant (and quite helpful) links:





Dear npetrov937,

I thank you very much for your prompt reply and your valuable assistant. It helps a lot.

So, as far as I understood,

a. even when I send invitations via emails, my participants' ids will remain anonymous, won't be?

b. if so, then may I ask you if I can keep sending multiple invitations / reminders to the same person even when the invitation is posted through a link? that is, without using a contact list;

c. In any case, should I include a kind of question that should trigger invitation for the next-day questionnaire filling out?

I thank you for your consideration.

Kind regards
@thanmour ,

You can do all that. I encourage you check out the above links and I am sure most of your questions will be cleared up.

If you dive into those links you will quickly see how powerful and easy to use Qualtrics is.

Hope that helps.

Indeed, you are right, Nikolay.

I thank you a lot for your assistance.

Kind regards


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