Different websites lead to the same survey. Can this distinction be seen at data analysis? | XM Community
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Participants are directed to the same survey from different urls (different websites). Can the different websites that the survey is originated from be seen in the data analysis? So that I can compare the different conditions. Otherwise, I won't be able to analyze the results.
Add the embedded data field Referer to your survey flow. It will capture the referring url and save it with your response data.
Thank you very much Tom.

Thus, is it possible to sort the data based on the referring urls and compare the results?
Yes, it should be. If you have control of the links that are placed on the various web sites, another alternative would be to add an embedded variable, call it source for example, to your survey flow, then add a source parameter to all your survey links such as &source=xyz. Each link would have its own unique value for source. Then you could report based on the value of source variable. Your own variable would be shorter and easier to understand than a long urls.

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