Display logic following slider question: can't select 'don't know' as trigger | XM Community
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I have a number of slider questions and have included a 'don't know' option for each one. When a respondent picks 'don't know', I would like to ask a follow-up question. However, display logic doesn't seem to allow me to do this: it only offers me options that:

1. have to do with the slider response (less than, equal to, etc.)

2. don't seem to work for the Don't Know button (I've tried 'Contains', but it doesn't work if I type in 'don't know')

3. seem irrelevant ('Matches RegEx' 'Is Displayed' 'Is not displayed')

I would be very grateful if someone could let me know whether and how this is possible.
@TylerK @EmilyG Sorry - I should have posted this in the Research Core topic area; please could you move it for me? Thank you!
Is empty will work for None.
Ah, of course - brilliant - thank you very much @bansalpeeyush29!
Hey @ruthjlee! I've gone ahead and moved your question to the appropriate category 🙂

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