Displaying loop based on answer from a previous matrix question | XM Community
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Hi, I have a matrix that pipes in statements into a matrix - there could be between 1 and 3 statements (products). If a user selects 'Extremely dissatisfied' or 'Dissatisfied' then I want to ask a follow-up question for that specific product. I created a loop and merge follow-up question with display logic of:

If Based on your experience, how satisfied are you with the following product(s) performance? - Extremely dissatisfied Is Selected

Or Based on your experience, how satisfied are you with the following product(s) performance? - Dissatisfied Is Selected

However what ends up happening is if the user selects Dissatisfied for ANY product, the follow up question will get enabled for ALL products even if I only want info on the particular product they were Dissatisfied with. Thank you in advance!!
Hi skar91,

So I think what you have is solid, but I would add display logic to each of your statements in the follow-up question. Here's a screenshot in case you can't find the sub-menu - https://uploads-us-west-2.insided.com/qualtrics-us/attachment/1g_4jxwxaqlg9ed.png


Elliot V.W.

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