Do deleted responses count toward contract limits? | XM Community
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Hi Everyone,
Does anyone know whether deleted responses still count toward the response limits in your contract? We have a limit of 100,000 surveys per year in our current contract. We have a new survey type that launched in January and is being tested frequently, causing lots of blank test surveys to come in that I am deleting. We also have higher than expected participation in existing survey types and new users testing out those surveys as well - a good problem to have, I know! I'm concerned we might exceed the annual limit in our contract for number of responses if these trends keep up. Is it worth my time to go through our responses and delete all the blank ones just in case? I don't want to waste too much time on that if those deleted responses still count toward my contract, especially since we get about 250-300 surveys per day. I know there are benefits of deleting blank surveys in terms of the cleanliness of our reports anyway, but my question is whether there's any benefit from the contract limit perspective. Thank you!

Hi klounsbury - check out the third FAQ on this support page regarding what counts towards your license. Licensed responses are any Completed Responses that are not Survey Previews or Survey Tests (if you are using Survey Previews, check out the first FAQ on this support page on how to easily delete these). Completed Responses include finished surveys and partial surveys that were moved out of Responses in Progress and recorded. 

I read the support pages and this does not answer my question. These are real surveys being opened out in the field, looked over by potential participants but not completed, and then recorded as partial responses after one week of inactivity. I am deleting them when they come in to avoid skewing our reports with lots of blank/partial surveys. My question is whether deleted responses still count toward our response limit in our contract. So if we received 100,000 surveys and I deleted 1,000 of them, do all 100,000 still count toward the contract, or only the remaining 99,000?

Hi klounsbury! Completed Responses (including finished survey responses and partial survey responses that were moved out of the Responses in Progress section to the Recorded Responses section in your Data & Analysis tab) will count towards your license, even if they are deleted. It sounds like you will want to configure your Partial Complete settings to delete any Responses in Progress (instead of record), so they do not get marked as a Completed Response and count towards your license. If you have any follow up questions about how to best set this up, be sure to reach out to our wonderful Support team, as they are best equipped to help! 😀

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