Does a Contact List Trigger "fire" properly when a partial response is closed manually? | XM Community
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In my experience it seems like embedded data added to a contact list is treated somewhat differently when a response is closed manually in comparison to when a respondent completes the survey. However, it's hard to pinpoint exactly what is different. Any suggestions on how to make Qualtrics treat a manually closed partial response equally to a response completed by the respondent?

Correct, partially completed responses do to work for contact list triggers. I'm not sure of any way around this.

I hoped the response would no longer be considered a partial if it was closed manually. But a manually closed response is still treated as a "partial response" then?

Here is my understanding of the language used
- In progress - survey wasn't finished but user could come back and finish (or user is still taking the survey) - no contact list trigger because it's not done.
- partial completion- user did not complete the survey but the response has been automatically or manually recorded. According to documentation there is not contact list trigger.
The only trigger that I've seen off of partially completed responses is the actions tab. There might be a way to send a web request to the qualtrics API to update the contact data on partially completed responses.

I'd also suggest adding a product idea for updating contact data (via contact list triggers) for partially completed responses or adding "update contact data" as an option in the actions tab. Either would help you accomplish your objective.

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