Does Qualtrics or another company have an online pool/panel that covers Gig economy workers? | XM Community
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I am specifically looking for options to access an online panel or participant pool that consists of both crowdworkers (e.g., Upwork, Crowdflower, MTurk) and workers on demand via apps (e.g., Uber, Lyft, TaskRabbit). Seems like a difficult population to access with a one-stop solution. Any thoughts?
You can contact the Qualtrics support team.

Few sample providers i know are: Toluna, Research now...
> @bansalpeeyush29 said:

> You can contact the Qualtrics support team.


> Few sample providers i know are: Toluna, Research now...

Hi @stephen_shu! If you are interested in purchasing an online panel, be sure to request a quote here.

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