Email distribution - what's an acceptable percentage for complaints? | XM Community
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When looking at the reports from when I send out a survey as an email invitation, you can see the number of "complaints" which is when a recipient reports an email as spam. I'd love to get no complaints at all, but realistically there's going to be some people on your list that don't like your email. What is an acceptible percentage here? Is it 1%? is it 0.1% ?
What is acceptable would be contingent on the audience. If the invite recipients are your customers or people with whom you have an existing relationship then you would want it extremely low. When surveying our customers my goal is similar to your own, have no complaints, and I sit at about 0.01% complaints which I am very happy about.

If you are surveying people that don't have a strong relationship with your brand then the threshold for acceptance should be much higher.

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