Embedded data into email | XM Community
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I would like to insert embedded data from the contact list into the email... How to do that? there is no piped texte or embedded data entry into the "compose your email² section"...
you can take syntax of pipe and can paste in the email.

for example

You can write

`Hi ${e://Field/FirstName},`

Also if you have not stored as embed variable and you want to pipe directly from contact list you can use like below:-

`Hi ${m://FirstName}`
Thanks! Got it!

Another question: actually the pipe is stored as an embedded data. It is another survey link, that has to be active (clickable), how can I do that?
> @Marinarion said:

> Thanks! Got it!


> Another question: actually the pipe is stored as an embedded data. It is another survey link, that has to be active (clickable), how can I do that?



You can add anchor tag `<a>` in the source of compose Email

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