Embedded Data Not Showing Correct Info on Data & Analysis Screen | XM Community
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At the end of a url I added ?course=XyzTraining&lastupdated=8/31/20. On the Data & Analysis screen I added those two columns. The embedded data for the course shows up as expected but the embedded data for lastupdated seems to pull in the current date and timestamp (e.g. 2020-09-08T18:32:24.596Z) instead of 8/31/20. In the Survey Flow screen I have tried setting lastupdated as text, date, number but no matter how I set it, it doesn't work.
I did try to rename "lastupdated" to "version" instead. So now my url ends in ?course=XyzTraining&version=8/31/20 and I updated this in the Survey Flow as well. Now in the Data & Analysis screen it pulls in 8/31/20 as expected in the version column. Why would simply renaming the embedded data from "lastupdated" to "version" make a difference? I'm glad it's working but now I'm going to have to updated over 100 survey links to make this work. Should I just roll up my sleeves and update all the survey links? Or is there a way to get it to work using the &lastupdated embed code in the url?

Hi TracyH! We have what are called Built-In Embedded Data Fields that are reserved fields that gather embedded data variables for every survey. If you have any additional questions about these, be sure to follow up with our Support team, as they are best equipped to answer your questions!

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