Embedded Data Zip Code validation not working for Form responses | XM Community
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I learned that I can use the QState_Q# format to have the zip code automatically add the state to my survey results as embedded data. I can get it to work with the single line responses, but it won't pull the data when I'm using the form response. If someone could give me some insight into what I might be missing in the setup, that would be much appreciated. I also have an issue in the survey flow regarding the embedded data that I haven't been able to find anything on in the forums or on the help site. Not sure what the "Reserved Embedded Data fields cannot have custom values" message means either.

I'm using this data in a file upload, so I am trying to not have people enter their states manually (leads to manual work on my end).

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! I've been trying to figure this out for a month now.

Here is the form question asking for the zip code with the US validation setting selected.


Here is zip code single line with US validation setting selected.


My survey embedded data. I cannot find anything about why I don't get the "Value will be set from Panel or URL" message. I've tried different combos and nothing will have that appear. https://qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/survey-module/editing-questions/validation/#ContentValidationZipCodes


In my results the single line still pulls in the state despite the embedded message, but the form does not.

You can check with Qualtrics Support, but I don't think you can use a zip field from a form. It has to be it's own question.

You can get city from zip by using QCity_Q# as an embedded data field name. So maybe you don't need a form.

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