Embedded (First Name) Field Does Not Appear in Distribution Email but Appears in all other places | XM Community
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I am using a panel and have set embedded fields (FN, LN, & Email) which are used in my form and for trigger emails. I set the (First Name) embedded field in my distribution email but the receiver sees "Dear ," the name is missing. The embedded FN field appears in the trigger email and on the form as indicated in the attached email.

Please advise if this is a user error or could this be a Qualtrics issue? I have distributed numerous surveys and have not had this issue before. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I found my error, this is resolved!

RoseL how did you resolve? I am running into the same issue. I know it's me that is doing something wrong, but it's fairly simple.

Nvm. I found my error too! 😁

KOgles Great, I apologize it took so long, I was involved in something and couldn't get away! Have a great day!

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