Embedding Attention Check Questions into a Survey | XM Community
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Dear all,

I want to embed some attention check questions into a survey I want to design and make sure that the participants are taken out of the survey if they fail two or more of these attention check questions.

I have contacted Qualtrics Support but they said they don't support this function and suggested I post a question to the Qualtrics Community.

I would be most appreciate if anyone has any ideas as to how I might go about this.

Many thanks and kind regards,

Ezgi Sakman
My suggestion would be to use survey logic and embedded data to accomplish this. Using branching logic, I'd assign a value to an Embedded data variable (say something like "Inattentive" set to "True") the first time they miss an attention check. Then for each additional attention check, if they get the answer wrong AND Inattentive = True, end the survey with a termination. (If they get the answer wrong and Inattentive Is Empty, then set Inattentive to True).

I hope that's clear but if not, feel free to reach out.
Thank you very much for your suggestion! Is it OK if I try this out in the coming days and reach out if I run into trouble? Many thanks!
Sure thing! I'll shoot you a direct message with my email. 😀
Thank you so very much 🙂
Hi, I have tried your idea and I think it worked wonderfully! I didn't even use the embedded data function though, I just inserted a branch logic and selected the questions that are supposed to be the attention checks, and then I arranged the logic so that if the required answers are not given, the survey will be terminated.

I tried it myself a couple of times and it seems to be working, I hope there won't be any problems with the real participants too :)

Thank you so very much for your idea and help, I greatly appreciate it:)

Best regards,

@Ezgi_Sakman That's great to hear, Ezgi! Have a great rest of your day!
Thank you!! You as well!

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