Embedding audio in survey | XM Community

Embedding audio in survey

  • 12 May 2020
  • 1 reply

Dear Qualtrics community,
I would just like to put a message out there – if you are embedding audio files into your surveys, DO NOT USE SOUNDCLOUD! I cannot stress this enough!
Soundcloud, when on Mobile devices can play ads. AND after the audioplay of your track completes, will automatically continuously play onto other random tracks from Soundcloud, regardless if on mobile or pc.
Thus, I think Qualtrics should not suggest using this platform, and my post here is to inform others who may be thinking about using Soundcloud to embed audio in their surveys.
Instead, look for other audio hosting platforms, such as Bandcamp, which will do a much better job. (Although note that Bandcamp will only allow uploads in lossless format.)
Best wishes everyone,

1 reply


Good insight - I never even thought of the ads.  I always use a company web space to upload and link to sound files.  If you didn’t have that though, you could use Google Drive or even GitHub (even though it’s more for coding) and be spared from ads.  

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