Embedding Timeline Followback in Survey | XM Community
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I am part of a team that is developing a Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS) program at Iowa State University, and we would like to use the Timeline Followback (TLFB) as part of our assessment battery in Qualtrics. This link has a demo for the TLFB has some custom code for the TLFB, but I don't know how to implement it in Qualtrics: https://depts.washington.edu/abrc/tlfb/ ​​ Any help is greatly appreciated!
As far as I know, you can't just drop PERL into Qualtrics. To implement this into Qualtrics, you'd likely have to rebuild it.
Thank you for your reply! Can you direct me to any resources that would assist with that type of building? I am admittedly novice with custom building.
Sure! Personally, I would choose to rebuild it using standard Qualtrics functionality because I'm not a coder. You can find more resources on the question types here.

To carry forward the answers (like important dates, etc), you'll use embedded data in your survey flow. You can also do math operations on embedded data if necessary.

I think the only thing I saw in your example that would be tricky to do is building the calendar. For that, I'd suggest searching these forums for that since I believe some people use Q for schedulers and if you don't find something, you may consider starting a new thread to ask about it.

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