Enlarge Next/Previous button arrow | XM Community
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Hi all, is it possible to enlarge in size the Next/Previous button default?

Thanks in advance
Hello @Simone_Salvano_Kantar

Please see this post
Thanks Shashi, but my question is about to enlarge the arrows in it. The custom css suggested is for enlarge the background...

Hi @Simone_Salvano_Kantar

You can add this in Look and Feel> Style > Custom CSS


padding: 30px 20px !important;



padding: 30px 20px !important;


you can change 30px or 20 px as per you want the height and width.
Hello @Simone_Salvano_Kantar ,

Paste the below code in advanced-> Add custom CSS


width: 135px;

height: 135px;


.Skin #Buttons #NextButton, .Skin #Buttons #PreviousButton {



Change the px as per your need

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