Exclusive option in Carry forward | XM Community
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When I was carry forwarding a response list from a question to another, the exclusive option present in the previous question is not appearing exclusive in the question where we have applied carry forward. Is there any way to do this.

I tried to add a new option but it is always appearing at the top above carry forwarded options but i need to show exclusive option at the end so this work around is also not working. Please help me on this.
Hello @salimlko ,

"I tried to add a new option but it is always appearing at the top above carry forwarded options "

When the above scenario is set, just go to advanced randomization of the question where applied carry forward, and using up and down arrow move the exclusive option to the last position.

Now in survey tab you will see the exclusive as first option but in preview it will always be last option.
@Shashi is right, you can fix it's position via randomization otherwise it will appear at top of list.
Thanks for your help guys.

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