Experiment - Keeping the poster, presented randomly in the previous block, in the following blocks | XM Community
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I'm doing an experiment in which a respondent will be randomly exposed to one poster from 12. In the following block, I'd like to keep the poster which was presented in the previous block and include question (one per page) to be answered by the respondent. How can do it?
Hi @Richurlex,

How are you randomly presenting the posters? If each poster has its own block and gets put through a randomizer in survey flow, I would add a follow-up question to the end of each block with the poster image in the question text.


Elliot V.W.
Hi @ElliotVW , thank you for your reply. I have 12 posters and present them randomly using randomization in the block. I also thought of what you proposed me; however, I will have the same problem. I want the poster randomly exposed to be shown with all the following questions, but only one by one. For instance, If the poster 2 is randomly selected by Qualtrics, and I have 3 questions to evaluate the poster. So I'd like to have in the page after the poster 2 is shown the same poster 2 with question 1, then the same poster 2 with question 2, and finally the same poster 2 with question 3.

Hi @Richurlex,

So using randomization within a block loses you the ability to present anything else in order in that same block (as you've seen). I would instead separate each poster into its own block (display poster question, Q1, Q2, Q3 repeated across each block) and randomize the blocks through the survey flow (https://uploads-us-west-2.insided.com/qualtrics-us/attachment/a4_cu0qp901d16x.png).

Alternatively, you could use embedded data and piped text to show the displayed poster within a block of follow-up questions, but parsing which poster was shown to whom when you're reviewing the results would be more difficult.


Elliot V.W.
Thanks again for your help.

In fact, I will have the same problem. I've already tried it before.

I'd like to present the same poster (selected before randomly) in all the pages presenting questions one by one below. For instance, in page 1, the poster 2 is presented (selected randomly by qualtrics), in page 2, the poster 2 with Q1 below, in page 3, the same poster 2 with Q2, and in page 4, again the poster 2 with Q3. Is it possible?

Thanks in advance
Hi @Richurlex,

So you already tried creating separate blocks (12 blocks total) with 4 questions for each poster (poster inserted into the question text) and the questions within each block were still randomizing? When you set up each new block, did you make sure that question randomization was turned off? I would also add page breaks between each question to ensure it displays separately. If what I've suggested isn't working, can you post some screenshots of your survey flow and one of the blocks?


Elliot V.W.
If I create a block for each poster and I insert the same poster into each question (in case three times because there are three questions), it works 👍🏼

is there another way? with embedded data or customizing codes?
Hi Richurlex,

You can use embedded data and piped text for this, but if you're not already familiar with those functions in Qualtrics then any time you saved programming would probably be outweighed by time spent learning. I can post later today how I would set it up if you like.


Elliot V.W.

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