Exporting Embedded Data | XM Community
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I created a survey for people to evaluate small groups of people under various headings, as in an interview situation This was to replace a paper based system we had previously. If a candidate exhibits a particular trait, they get a tick in the box.
For assessor ease of use, I passed in embedded data in a link for each of the candidates they were assessing. So they would get a partially populated survey (names of candidates, room number, date etc).
I created the various questions as a matrix type. This may not have been the best option, but it was the only way I could make it work.

Survey 1.pngSurvey 2.pngThe issue I have now is in using the data. If the first candidate collaborated with others to accomplish goals, then in the answer field, it says ${e://Field/StudentName}. I would like the export (or report) to contain the data passed to it, rather than the field name. Is that possible?

Alternatively, for the next time I do this, is there a better question type that I could use to record something like the above, given that we give the students individual reports detailing their performance?


You passed the embedded data in the URL- did you add the embedded data category into the survey flow?
image.pngThat's literally it. Just set the embedded data category to whatever you set it as in the URL. It sort of "listens" and populates the embedded data from the query. Then you can export it like every other embedded data category.

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